Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence

Say No More to Sexual Assault Month Begins Today


I will be making this post everyday for the rest of the month as April is No more to sexual assault month.  Please feel free to reblog, retweet, FB or all three.

There is only one way to break the silence and bring this ever growing nightmare to the forefront of the minds of others and that is to SPEAK out in the capacity that we can.


Say No More

Say No More

Author: Teela Hart

I am a mother, daughter, sister and domestic violence survivor.

14 thoughts on “Say No More to Sexual Assault Month Begins Today

  1. Hey Teela,
    Shared on my Facebook.


    • Thank you Lance.
      I appreciate your support.
      When you get a chance read “Where the Fuck Have you Been”,
      If you want to. I always value your opinion and this one seems a little slack to me, but I know you’ll lay it out there.
      Thanks again Lance.


  2. I LOVE the No MOre campaign! Unfortunately for where I live, there is little awareness of domestic violence and sexual abuse…until it is almost too late for most victims to escape safely…my new mission…to educate anyone who crosses my path…to plant seeds of knowledge. Someone did this for me once…didn’t really educate me, but told me about the domestic violence center when they started seeing the red flags that I was ignoring!


    • That is a shame. Our DV center is located in a place you really have to hunt down to find. The local police are well nothing to speak of, but we don’t have PSA’s or any such things for this county and my county has the highest crime rate in the state concerning DV.
      Our DV center did offer classes, which I went to but they barely touched the surface. But enough to remind me of the red flags I ignored as well.
      We can make a difference even here. I know we can.


      • My county is also home of the highest DV rate in the state. Oddly enough, it also has the greatest percentage of a particular religious flavor…This was concerning to me……I hope there is not a cause-effect relationship going on, but the correlation is disturbing. I also believe we can make a difference! By encouraging one another, we are building a mighty force…. My once silenced voice is now strong and bold…..collectively…watch out!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. We should all stand against type of assault but especially sexual abuse. There is no way you can excuse it.


  4. Reblogged this on Treebeardgarden's Blog and commented:
    We should all agree with this.


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