Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence

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What Is In A Name

Stigma’s: Wrong on every level. Thank you to Jenni @ Unload and Unwind. She brings up a valid point we should all hear.

Unload and Unwind

One of the human races greatest gifts is language and we use it as a way to understand and recognise the world around us and our place in it.  In most cases this is a reassuring process, how children grow to understand what they see as they learn to speak.  However there is a danger inherent within, like most things in life there are choices to be made in how we use language and what labels we place on many things.

stigma 2I have come over time to recognise how naming things can sometimes be a negative.  In particular when it comes to the Mental Health Sciences doctors  and counsellors primary goal is to define or diagnose a person’s mental health and proceed to label it according to where it fits within the medical models.  Unfortunately there is a great deal of stigma attached to mental health and whether people realise…

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No More Week

This week is no more week.  I’m asking sister survivors, fellow bloggers and friends to please help spread the word and stop the violence.  You can follow nomore.org on twitter @nomoreorg and FB.

Let’s join the thunderclap.  Raise awareness, raise your voice and stop the violence.

I say no more because for 19 years I didn’t.  This silence was a detriment to myself and my family.   It is my duty as a survivor to help others realize and understand domestic violence is a cancer that will continue to proliferate and destroy the very fabric of our society.

Why do you say no more?

