Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence

Social Media Safety for DV/Stalking Victims


Here is a list of some things you can do to try to stay safe:

  • For any account that you create, use a strong password that no one could figure out and keep it private.  To read more about this, please see What safety steps should I take even if I think the abuser does NOT have access to my email account?
  • Limit the amount of identifying information you use, like your birth date, address, full name, etc. (This step can also help prevent identity theft.)
  • Be careful about what you post!  Consider the articles you post to your profile, the pictures you put in an online album, or any status updates that indicate where you are at the moment (such as “checking in” at a restaurant) or where you are headed (such as a vacation destination).  These types of posts can reveal a lot about you: your interests, your whereabouts, and your future plans, which can lead to someone finding you.
  • Log out of your account by clicking “log out” after each session on your social media page.  Do not simply close the browser, as it does not always log you out of your account, which would then be viewable by any other user of the computer.


Author: Teela Hart

I am a mother, daughter, sister and domestic violence survivor.

14 thoughts on “Social Media Safety for DV/Stalking Victims

  1. This is wisdom for all who interact on the internet.


  2. I learned the hard way about “stranger danger” online…a pitiful young mother reached out to me and friended me-within one minute, she had linked opposing counsel to me! If the stalking gets really bad, you can deactivate your Facebook account after catching up on what is happening with friends and family. To reactivate, just sign back in-that way, no one can access your profile when you are not logged in.


  3. Dear Teela,
    Great info.


  4. Very informative and always good to be reminded. Thanks:)


  5. Great post! And useful, really for anyone! We can never be to careful! Crappy world we live in 😦


    • Thanks Tela,
      I do tweet a lot of the informative posts I read, I guess I should ask permission first.

      It is just very difficult for me to click next and not spread the wealth of info. you and the others are putting out.

      Thanks for letting me share your “stuff” (not minimizing in the least).

      It’s funny you would use the word crappy, you have no idea how many times I’ve used that word today…..only a slight variant of the un-lady like kind.



  6. This is really great advice Teela – thanks for sharing.

    I have turned off location settings on my phone, as a precaution, I never mention where I am going to be at any particular time – I always assume that nothing on the web is totally private.


    • I am glad you found it helpful. Unfortunately the ex and I live in the same small town and he drives by whenever he pleases.
      He doesn’t have to look to far. But I know that there are others like yourself who may benefit from this.
      I have safety precautions in place as far as social media is concerned. It does give a sense of peace to know I have my own little place of secrecy.
      I was just about to tweet your post when I saw this.
      Thank you Triple S.


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