Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence



Runs the water of perdition

Fills the porcelain walls of pain

Hands that move without permission

Decrepit talons of evil stroke

Visceral abhorrence did evoke

Compulsory arousal pulled the chain

Slaying me over and over again

Gripping the red, the vile, my fate

Showed no mercy did not abate

To the brink brought me near

Denying my confusion and my fear

Looking on you saw the hate

Before you dug the final grave

As I gripped the red and vile

The red securely sealed my fate








Say No More to Sexual Assault Month Begins Today

I will be making this post everyday for the rest of the month as April is No more to sexual assault month.  Please feel free to reblog, retweet, FB or all three.

There is only one way to break the silence and bring this ever growing nightmare to the forefront of the minds of others and that is to SPEAK out in the capacity that we can.


Say No More

Say No More