Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence

Say No More To Sexual Assault Month


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There is only one way to break the silence and bring this ever growing nightmare to the forefront of the minds of others and that is to SPEAK out in the capacity that we can.


Say No More

Say No More

Author: Teela Hart

I am a mother, daughter, sister and domestic violence survivor.

15 thoughts on “Say No More To Sexual Assault Month

  1. Oh Teela……I fell a bit behind on the challenge. Thank you for bringing the “No More” campaign into this world! I think I have “kind of” caught up now…. I wonder what next month holds???? AoA


  2. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  3. Pingback: Say No More To Sexual Assault Month | abeautifulmess1971's Blog

  4. I believe that too. One conversation at a time…One person at a time… It is my prayer that we can show by example that there is a path out of the pain.


  5. I’m going to try to keep up with the 30 days of challenges…posting here and through our DV Facebook page as well as my own…todY-something teak💜

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I also am a mother, daughter, sister, and domestic violence survivor. I am here to testify that there is life after the abuse. There is love after the abuse. There is healing and there is hope. That is what my entire blog is about, it is my attempt to help others navigate their way from pain to healing.
    I love your blog and the healing words you speak.

    Liked by 1 person

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