Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence

Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence


I found this article on twitter today and the alarm sounded.  February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and this article is essential for the education of parents and dating teens.

It’s not enough that abuse occurs in epidemic proportions, we, as a society must now contend with the new abuse of digital harassment.


Author: Teela Hart

I am a mother, daughter, sister and domestic violence survivor.

10 thoughts on “Teen Dating Violence

  1. Very interesting article, my university had a seminar like the one they had at Wisconsin and it was intriguing. I’ve taken a few upper level psychology courses, so I already had a good grasp of the emotional, psychological, and physical effects of dating abuse. One time I heard one of my guy friends (not my friend anymore), forced a girl to send him provacative pictures of herself to him or risk beig raped. I was a friend of this girl and she forwarded me the text and asked me for her help. I agreed, and the next day I came up to him and made his life hell of displaying a document signed by my uncle who’s in the MI6 and SAS stating, “I grant the authority of my nephew James, to hummilate you publically and if need be physically change (boys name) ‘s behavior.” I spared him from knocking his brains out with the trainig I have of being a cadet for the SAS in my youth, and instead hummilated him in front if the whole school. He never got a date again, and he lost my friendship forever.


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