Teela Hart

Surviving Domestic Violence



My blog is not intended to embellish, dramatize or glamorize my circumstances.  It is not a platform to belabor the points that lie therein.  It is a confessional, if you will; a feeble attempt to express; in the best way, I know how, the volcanic eruptions that spew forth from the dredges of my soul.  I cannot drown my demons; they know how to swim, therefore I lift the embargo placed on my voice and sing.




Author: Teela Hart

I am a mother, daughter, sister and domestic violence survivor.

4 thoughts on “Demons

  1. Your explanation – not certain if I am using the appropriate word – of demons is spot on. I believe in this, as well. I have been fighting a few this weekend and I am feeling the ‘spewing.’


  2. [ Smiles ] Highly poetic!


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